Sunday 23 July 2017

Tales of the DRR’s club Part 1

You all know that feeling of pride that comes from watching your very own become all that you have hoped for and even more. The fulfilment and burst of joy that comes with it. Well for Bukoto, this feeling was rebirthed in our spirits when our very own Amina Nassazi got voted as District Rotaract Representative Nominee. We then waited with a lot of anxiety during the 2015/16 District Conference Assembly which by the way many of us attended on social media. I mean, you understand the hustle, right? A dollar is hard to come by in this “7,000 shilling sugar economy”, so a week long DCA in Entebbe left many of us thinking “#Lifegoals”. Anyhow that is beside the point; it was a Friday evening when we got the news, Amina was finally DRRE. It was excitement and jubilation for the club, let me send my regards to the “Club X5 team” well done!!!

Fast forward, DCA 2016/17, we officially receive our DRR and we are now the DRR's club. (I will not reiterate the fact that many of us were not there to officially witness this, you guys get it). Just like all life cycles, the pressure then kicks in; it’s only natural, right? We are now the DRR's club. I don't need to emphasize the fact that it is one thing to be the DRR's club and it’s another to be “Amina Nassazi, the DRR's club”. Of course we don't want to let her down (we don’t want to imagine the consequences), we are passionate about service and fun which is what Rotaract is about but now we have something else on our plate, we need to impress, it is only natural!

So the questions kick in; is every Bukoto fellowship that Amina attends going to be an official DRR’s visit or can she still collect Polio plus when her buddy group is in-charge? Do we have to show up a certain way to events because it’s now the DRR's club? Well, we all know Tushabe Joseph will have a challenge here, how will his presence get noticed? I honestly don't want to try and imagine what being MGP Paul Nasasira is like (this MGP thing though, that is a story for another day), can't wait to see if his English utterance remains the same under all the pressure.

Fast forward, President Paul informs us of the DRR's official visit and hey, the “butterflies” stage is here. We all know that ambivalence of excitement and anxiety. The club needs to be ready, we need to tick off that “checklist” in order to be deserving of the DRR’s visit (or should I say “Amina, the DRR’s visit”), and we need to make her proud! And at the president’s request, we all agreed that we should dance for her, given this is one of the items to be checked of the list; talk of happiness!!! Allow me say hello from the other side to the Tissa group!

There is nothing as exciting as dance practice, we get elated every time the Rotary North Singing and Dance competitions come round because let us face it, Bukoto has gifted dancers. As luck may have it, this rotary year, Christmas came early and we had to show case our skills at the official DRR’s visit. A one minute shuffle dubbed “the DRR’s visit” was exciting I must say. It was time to put all our special dance moves together and smile for the camera and yes, once again, Bukoto ladies love cameras, so you now understand when I say we were ecstatic about this.

Ladies and gentlemen, the fellowship that was on Wednesday redefined interesting. First and foremost, I have no idea why the memo of the black dress code was shared with everyone that was at the high table but ADDR Noah (poor guy). We also got to learn that our DRR has got an official photographer (times really change). Hello Garvin, thank you for a job well done, you did better that Tushabe Joseph at the ADRR’s visit, not that Tush is Noah’s official photographer but hey, we could not help but notice that country Facebook post. Back to fellowship, am I the only one who noticed a group of individuals who randomly walked up towards the high table and did something that looked like a sway, side to side, front and back and just like that they randomly walked off again. This must have been that “DRR shuffle” and I must say, despite the randomness, I will applaud Past President Zahara Mpaata. If everyone had the enthusiasm that she exuded while dancing, maybe the story would have been different. I will leave it at that, I am sure, y’all now know where to hang out on a Wednesday evening!

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